In the early 1970s, a young man in his twenties set upon his journey among the multitudes of young people seeking to carve a niche for themselves in the Bombay of yore. In those times, a young nation had just begun to realize its potential and the need for non-destructive testing was increasing by the day thanks to increasing industrialization and infrastructure creation. The young man, Mr. Chandrakant Sanu armed with an entrepreneurial vision saw a hitherto untapped opportunity in this and established RSIPL as a proprietary firm in the field of Non-Destructive Testing.

While, the initial years were difficult, gradually RSIPL made a mark for itself and became a recognized name in its field. Increased business and expanding operations resulted in the proprietorship getting converted into a Private Limited Company in the year 1992.

Over more than four decades of its presence under the leadership of Mr. Chandrakant Sanu and now Mr. Amit Chandrakant Sanu, RSIPL has been a pioneer of good practices and industry standards.

Our Features

A strong team of qualified NDT Level I and II technicians & Site in Charge’s.

4 Nos of the latest QSA Global (USA) SENTINEL Delta make Cameras used for Industrial applications of Gamma Radiography using Iridium 192 Isotopes.

One DanDong make portable Xray machine for XRay Radiography application.

BARC approved PIT room for safe Storage of all the Delta Cameras.

Dark room facility for developing of films in our Office premises which facilitates quick turnaround time for clients.